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  • "Love me or Hate me. There’s no money in the middle."

"Love me or Hate me. There’s no money in the middle."

This weeks newsletter is sponsored by Twitter Management app TweetHunter. Get more sales, growth and engagement, faster than what you're currently trying. My favorite is their Twemex AI chrome extension. You've got to try this.

I first heard this saying from Jim Edwards and it’s stuck with me since.

"Love me or Hate me. There’s no money in the middle."

People buy from people.

This is why big corporations have a spokesperson. Michael Jordan for Nike. William Shatner for Priceline.com.

These are the faces of these brands.

It's a lot harder to have a relationship with a company or a logo than it is to have with a real person.

People buy more easily from a personality or persona. It's just the way we're wired as humans. 

This is why I tell people on social media to put your face out there because rarely do people get emotional with a logo.

If you want to build an audience, you need to have an attractive character that people gravitate towards. 

The fastest way to establish a persona or an attractive character for your business is to take a stand about something. 

What I mean by this is you have to have a position or opinion and you need to be secure about it.

Think Apple versus PC.

ClickFunnels versus WordPress

Tweet Hunter versus HypeFury

Organic marketing versus paid ads

Apple computer fans hate PCs and the same goes for PC lovers.

People take a stand for one or the other and defend it, almost to the death.

This is great because you can position yourself on one side of these us versus them arguments and create discussions that attract thousands of people to the conversation.

This “Love me or Hate me. There’s no money in the middle” saying came from this idea.

The fact is, nobody cares about the middle.

You’re either for one side or the other.

The whole point of this picking sides is so that you attract others that are on the same side as you.

You cheer along with them and they cheer along with you as you defend your position and denounce the other side.

Some will love you and some will hate you but that's okay.

The weirdest thing is that sometimes the people that hate you actually pay more attention to you and sometimes even become customers.

The point is, your persona or attractive character needs to have a position and strong opinion about it.

Bring that strong opinion to the discussions going on social media and watch your engagement grow. 

Some won't agree with you and some will and those that do may just follow you and become part of your community.

So remember when it comes to growing an audience you need to take a stand and remember the saying, “Love me or Hate me. There’s no money in the middle.”

Published a few more Growth Guides on the website and listed some of them below for you.  The most recent post is on the 5 Ways to Monetize ClickFunnels.

Met a ton of great people on Twitter today with this tweet below. 

Come introduce yourself and meet some other new creators just starting out on Twitter.

Thanks for being part of the Start and Grow community.

Have a great week.


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